Friday, September 5, 2008

Contradictions in politics?

I try to tread lightly when it comes to talking or writing about politics, due mostly to my role as a pastor and thus as the perceived spokesman for a church. But this was just too good...

We recently received some political advertising in the mail -- New York's state primary for Congress is coming up next week. I will not mention which candidate sent the ad, but I will mention two policies the candidate supports in the ad that left me scratching my head.

Policy #1: "Eliminate the subsidies to farmers for growing grain for ethanol."
Policy #2: Support "New Federal Incentives for Alternative Energy Development"

I read in the ad that the candidate blames ethanol production for higher prices for food. I am familiar with both sides of that argument, and frankly the question is complicated enough it makes evaluation nearly impossible for a layman such as myself (though I will admit that it seems to me that rising food prices might be more closely related to the cost of gas than to ethanol subsidies).

But it did strike me as strange that these two policy positions that seem to be at odds with each other would be listed right next to each other in a bulk political mailing. But that might just be my take.

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