Tuesday, October 14, 2008

To Know God

Normally I do not simply give a link to another blog when I post. There are some really good blogs that do a much better job of keeping up with helpful content from other places, such as Between Two Worlds and Challies.com, which I check almost everyday. So I usually focus on posting original content.

But this post from The Thirsty Theologian was too good, too helpful, too well-written not to pass on. So please read and enjoy.

Here is an extended quotation to whet your appetite:

I want to know God. I want to know his nature and his thoughts... What could possibly be more wonderful, as wonderful, or even remotely wonderful compared to the knowledge of the eternal, infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God who is the source of all things, the epitome of holiness, righteousness, and justice? The answer is obvious: nothing compares...

Why is it, then, that reading God’s Word becomes, at times, a chore to be done rather than a pleasure to be savored?
HT: Challies

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