Friday, July 18, 2008

The Church's Greatest Issue

My wife subscribes to the True Woman blog, and I came across this comment from Mary Kassian, professor of Women's Studies at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her comment is in reference to this question: What do you think is the greatest issue facing the church today in relation to the role of women?

"The greatest issue is that we tend to absorb our beliefs by 'osmosis' rather than by thoughtful, intentional study of Scripture."

What a thoughtful response! And how true not only in relation to the role of women, but in relation to all things regarding Christian living and belief. I recently led a group of men through a study of J.I. Packer's book Knowing God, and this was a recurring point of discussion. How much of what we believe about God, about salvation, about loving and living for Him, comes from thoughtful, intentional study and reflection upon Scripture itself? And how much comes from "osmosis" as we unconsciously and unreflectively absorb what we hear and read around us? Packer argues that knowing God in Christ is our greatest need, both corporately as the church and individually. How strange then that we would be passive in what we believe about Him and about the world He created!

How do you know what you think you know? It is a question well worth pondering.

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